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White SEP 36-90 MD / HD Membrane MP-S-70010 NR w/o Ring - Compatible With
Jensen [01100]

Membrane in white using our own developed natural rubber (NR), with radial TOUCH pressing surface. Marking from the membrane onto your linen is impossible. The radial TOUCH pressing surface avoids linen sticking to the membrane.

  • No marking from the membrane onto your linen
  • TOUCH pressing surface avoids linen sticking to the membrane
  • Chemical resistant including Sanoxy
  • Temperature resistant up to 80° C
  • Including installation instructions and o-ring seals

 Compatible Machine Models: SEP 36, SEP 50, SEP 72, SEP 90

Jensen™ is a trademark of Jensen Holding AG („Jensen"). Jensen is not affiliated with Consolidated International Corporation, and Consolidated International Corporation products are not endorsed, administered, or sponsored by Jensen. Jensen is the sole manufacturer of Jensen Laundry Machinery.

Sku: 01100
Consolidated International Corporation USA
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